dimecres, 7 de juny del 2017



In Holy Week I went with my friend Berta and her family to their family home in the Alpujarra, Granada, Andalucia. There we had a great time, we went to see the Alahambra, we spent a day at the beach, another went to do a trip on the mountain, another day we were in the village ... We ate typical food there like the "Migas" or the " Roscos ". I had a great time and I hope it will be repeated soon.




These are among the most spectacular waterfalls in the world. The Zambezi River, which is more than 2 km wide at this point, plunges noisily down a series of basalt gorges and raises an iridescent mist that can be seen more than 20 km away.




The truth is that I still do not know very well that I will make this time, but I already have some things planned.
On the night of June 17th I will celebrate my birthday with my friends on the beach, although my birthday is on June 24th. On the day of my birthday I will also spend it on the beach with my family, and at 12 pm on the 23rd we will go to see the verbena of Sant Joan.
On July 1 I'm going to Barcelona to buy clothes for sale.
On July 9 we will celebrate my cousin's birthday.
On July 11 I will go to some colonies with friends to Germany for a week, and during that week we will meet many more people from all over Europe.
I will also go one week in August to my grandmother's house in Barcelona.
And the rest of the summer I will rest, kayak, stay with friends ...
I have a feeling it's going to be a good summer.



Ghost is a movie that, all recorded in 1990, still remains in time.

It is a drama-thriller dramatic-fantastic with a touch of comedy that leaves no one indifferent.

Resultado de imagen de ghost pelicula imagenes




Throughout my short life I have had many experiences, but undoubtedly the one that has marked me the most, that I will never forget and that I repeat a thousand times is to travel to India.
The opportunity to know a new culture, a new gastronomy, new customs, new smells, new animals, new landscapes, new transport and the very different character of the people there is absolutely magnificent.
It's like discovering a whole new world, where people do not move because of interest, they give you everything without having anything at all.

I think everyone, before dying should travel to India or some country of the same character, because they really learn and enjoy a lot.

Resultado de imagen de niños kerala

dimarts, 6 de juny del 2017



Bad reputation is a song that speaks of a child who is totally in love with a girl who has a bad reputation.
She talks about the things her friends tell her about her and how she sinks little by little. He tells her to stay strong, and she does not care what they say, she wants her like no one else.

Resultado de imagen de bad reputation shawn mendes fotos     

dijous, 25 de maig del 2017


I know I’m breaking a promise by loving you, but you, swearing you love me, are breaking two promises: cheating on your husband by leaving his bed, then breaking your promise to your new lover by vowing to hate him. But why am I accusing you of breaking two oaths when I break twenty? I am perjured the most, because all of my vows are only made to mislead and exploit you; I’m no longer true to you. For I have sworn great oaths about how kind you are, oaths about your love, your faithfulness, your constancy. And to make you look better I blinded myself, swearing to the opposite of what I actually saw. For I have sworn that you are beautiful; my eye is doubly a liar, offering such a foul lie after swearing to tell the truth.
 Sé que estoy rompiendo una promesa amándote, pero tú, jurando que me amas, estás rompiendo dos promesas: engañar a tu marido dejando su cama, luego rompiendo tu promesa a tu nuevo amante prometiendo odiarlo. Pero ¿por qué te estoy acusando de romper dos juramentos cuando rompo veinte? Estoy perjurado, porque todos mis votos sólo se hacen para engañar y explotar; Ya no soy fiel a ti. Porque he jurado grandes juramentos acerca de lo amables que son, juramentos acerca de su amor, su fidelidad, su constancia. Y para hacerte ver mejor me ciego, jurando lo contrario de lo que vi. Porque he jurado que eres hermosa; Mi ojo es doblemente mentiroso, ofreciendo una mentira tan horrible después de jurar decir la verdad.